One of Higher Dimensions focus is on Mandatory Minimum Sentencing. These are life sentences without being sentenced to life in prison. Moreover, inmates of violent crimes and who are first time felons actually do not have the opportunity to have a parole hearing based on Indiana bill#1006. Also, in place of a parole hearing this bill allows the prosecutor that put the inmate in jail to decide whether or not a Modification will be accepted.
Mandatory Minimums Sentencing have no place in our justice system. INDIANA is in need of justice reform. Also, Mandatory Minimums Sentencing do not allow for individual circumstances to be considered.
Mandatory Minimum Sentences

  • It limits the role of a judge.
  • It isn’t always applied as it should.
  • It can be used to target specific groups of people.
  • It is used for coercion.
  • It does not address reform or correction.
  • It does not allow for extenuating circumstances.
  • It comes with a high cost to taxpayers.
  • It is not always used for reoccurring crime; someone continues to go in and out of prison.

Revise bill 1006. Allow parole boards to determine if a person is ready to return to society. Also, allow judges to override mandatory sentencing if they feel the crime does not warrant an extremely long sentence. Take the authority of the prosecutor to make any decision on a person they prosecuted. Also, that no employees of the courts or officer’s juvenile, correctional officers, or any person that works in law enforcement sit on a trail.

It is important because the criminal justice system is practicing lawlessness against those who need a second chance. This is not reform or corrections its punishment. Also, the people who get these long sentences are people of color.

Higher Dimensions is grass root non-profit organization that can use your help. By signing this petition, you help make an adjustment for the better in the criminal system. These signature assistant in the constitutional rights and equality for those who are incarcerated, and open doors for Higher Dimensions organization to sit at the table with political powers and make real changes.

Please sign petition at: Click here –>> Sign A Petition